
Halloween Party

Here is our beautiful Princess Bell!! Abby was so excited to dress up she couldn't wait. She has been wearing her dress around the house every day for the last week!!
Our little bitty Ballerina! Isn't she darling. I have to say that I am really proud of this costume because it was hand made by me! Well at least the tutu and the little leg warmers.

And here is the fam, Yes we are 80's butt rockers. Who knew that we could have such cute baby girls and be so scary looking ourselves!!

We won the best couple costume!! I know what your thinking we were in charge of the party so the vote was probably rigged, but I can assure you it wasn't. It was a really close vote between a bunch of different couples. You can take a look at the other costumes in the collage.

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Love the costume, That's funny Dillon and I had thought of possibly doing the same thing.

S.A.S. said...

Congrats! My favorite parts are Levi's eyeliner and your hot pink jelly shoes. You ROCK:)

Ben and Rachel said...

You guys look great! Love the tats Levi...and Becca, we love that you pegged your pants!