
Football Fun

Flag football time! The guys got a team together to play and they had their first game today. They did great!! They were down by 6 points with only one minute left, and out of no where they got an interception by Levi and ended up getting a touch down and winning the game. All the guys did a great job, it was so fun to watch!!
left to right: ?,?,Shay, Bryce, Levi, Tyson, Nate, Nick, Taylor and Beau.

Audrey and I watching the game, it was freezing so we were cuddling to stay warm!!
Here are some action pictures of the game and some cute ones of the little girls being cheerleaders for their dads ( I think they were having more fun playing with the umbrella and eating candy though).


JEN said...

I still can't believe Bryce and Paige are there with you guys! How crazy is that!! It looks like fun, but cold. We kind of miss the cold- I never thought I would say that!! I think we are planning a Christmas party at the Woolstons!! We can't wait to see everyone!!!

Our EyreLife said...

Your girls look SO MUCH alike now! Its so fun to see them through your blog! Big hugs to all of you...

Jenny Miller said...

I love the picture of you and audrey!! You look so cute! Miss you !

Heather said...

We sure miss you guys so much and can't wait to come up and visit you sometime! It looks like you guys are having a blast and keeping busy! Your girls are so adorable and we can't wait to see you at Christmas time! lots of love!

Ryan, Heather & Macie :)

Tamika Jackson said...

The picture of you and baby girl is adorable.

Chelsey said...

Don't you love going to the games? They are so much fun and I am so glad that we met you guys and that both Kamryn and Abby now have friends. Kamryn really likes Abby and we should hang out some more so they can get to know each other. Hope you are having fun with the in-laws.

Oh and by the way I am reading twilight right now. I started it yesterday at 5 and I finally stopped at page 100. It is so good and I just couldn't put it down. You will have to tell me some other good books to read.

Katie said...

Wow I cant believe how big both the girls are getting! They are twins for sure.. gorgeous! we miss you guys tons! hugs and kisses