
Tag I'm it

The rules are: Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "you've been tagged" on their profile and tell them to read your blog.

This is a first for me... so here it goes

1. I am totally obsessed with picking my finger nails. It drives Levi crazy, and me. It's funny most of the time I don't even realize I am doing it, and then Levi gives me the look and I stop. Maybe one day I can kick this bad habit!

2. Scrabble is one of my favorite games!! Levi and I love to play it all the time. It is relaxing for us. We just get the girls to bed and then play for hours on end. But we do have to have a lot of yummy snack to eat while we play!

3. Going along with number 2 I love puzzles they are so addicting! Over Christmas we did 3 very difficult puzzles, and it was so fun! We actually have a collection of puzzles, one for all the places we have lived since we have been married.

4. I love the outdoors, especially the summer. I love to go camping, hiking, swimming, boating, etc. My favorite place to do all of these is at Lake Powell. It is so beautiful!! I also love going up the canyon for a picnic or a bonfire.

5. I have moved 9 times in less than 5 years. We have lived in Chicago, Huston, Apple Valley Minnesota, North Orem, South Orem and now Spokane WA. Now we will be moving again this summer back to Utah for an internship. It's a good thing we are pros at packing!!

6. One of my favorite things to do is sew. I am not that good at it, but I try. I love to see the end result; I think it gives me a sense of accomplishment. Silly I know, but its fun!

7. I am obsessed with having the sheets on my bed tucked in, which isn't a good combo with Levi, because he is slightly claustrophobic. So my side is always snug and his is everywhere!!

8. I love reality TV. I know that is pathetic that I like watching other people’s lives and problems played out for the public, but it is just funny to watch. The ones I watch the most are Biggest Loser, Project Runway, Amazing Race and The Bachelor. I think I like them so much because they are all so competitive. My dream is that someday Levi and I will be on the Amazing Race!!

9. I wear sweats all day long. If I am home you can bet I will be wearing sweats! I love them they are so warm, cozy and comfortable! I have so many pairs, but for some reason when I go shopping that is what I want to buy!!

10. I hate to do the laundry. OK I really don't mind doing it, but folding it that’s another story. Good thing I have the best husband...he folds all the laundry and puts it away!!!

I am tagging Sarah, Christy, Jessica, Jamie, Laura, Amy, Lisa, Rachel, Travy and Lauren.


Jessica said...

Okay, sorry I'm a bit late! I guess I've got to get going on the tag! Interesting facts that I never knew. I as well am slightly obsessed with reality t.v. My favorite is Project Runway and nobody else likes that show except for me, I was so happy to read that you like it as well. It has totally made me want to sew, I've tried but nothing has come out fierce...yet.