We had a friend in our ward host a Valentine's Day Picnic. We had such a great time. The girls played pin the heart on the bullseye and they had a pinata, but the best part was handing out the Valentines. Abby was so excited, she had helped to put them all together and had helped me make a valentine box to put them in. She was very proud and excited to share them with everyone. It was a huge group of people, about 20 kids plus the moms, so it was crazy to say the least. But we had a blast!!
I can't get over how gorgeous your girls are. Of COURSE vibrant little Abby is thrilled to hand out notes of love. Hugs to you all! (and be careful in all that snow!!)
Fun day! We missed you at our cookie party...:o(
I love the Valentine box. Its so cute! We sure did miss you guys at Disneyland. Noone even ate a giant Turkey leg!
I can't believe all the crazy snow.
I love the new background on your blog! Super cute!
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