I am so grateful that Abby has such good friends. I remember one of the first weeks we were here. We went to a ward party and Abby wanted so bad to go and play with some kids in the sand box. I told her that was fine, and then watched her from a distance. She ran over so excited and ready to make some new friends. As I watched she asked a little girl if she could play with her and the little girl said “NO”. I watched as Abby’s faced turned into a frown and needless to say I was on the verge of tears. I thought to myself what have we done…we took her away from all of her cousins, friends and grannies’ and pas’ and brought her to a place with nothing familiar. In that moment I felt like the worst mom. But as I continued to watch she just kept asking other kids and before I knew it she was having a ball. I am so grateful for Abby. She has been such a trooper to move away from everything she loves. I love her so much!! And we love all of her darling friends!
Your Girls are getting so big! We sure miss you guys! Audrey looks so cute walking! Love ya
That made me cry! So glad you found your groove!
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