So here are the pictures of all the crazy snow we have had the last couple weeks. I know it has taken me forever to get these posted. I'm sure you are all thinking we were joking about the snow, but as you can see we weren't! We ended up getting about 2 to 2 1/2 feet in about 3 days, which for Utah dosen't seem like a lot, but for Spokane it is a ton!! There are only a few snowplows so you can imagine the road situation. That is why they canceled elmentary schools, jr. high schools, high schools, colleges, work and just about everything else. The whole city ended up claiming a state of emergency, which was nice for all the public schools because they don't have to make up classes. Poor Gonzaga students...you pay a price when you go to a private school. Luckily Levi's school was only canceled two days instead of the whole week. Well we have definitely felt at home this winter to say the least. Thank goodness we know how to drive in snow and have a 4 wheel drive SUV. They don't plow the parking lots and some people were stuck at home for days! It took the snowplows almost a week and a half before they were able to get to most of the residential areas. We are lucky that we live on a main street.
Now we are ready for SPRING!!
We've been hit pretty hard with snow lately, too, as I'm sure you've heard.
But it's been so much that Utah has actually exceeded their SNOW PLOW budget and is having to pull funds out of other resources just to keep roads clear. The other night there weren't enough plows and the trip from AF to Salt Lake took some of my friends 4 1/2 hours!!!!
I don't know if these bits of info are blog-comment-worthy, but oh well. We're thinking about you guys and hope you're doing well!
whoa guys:) hope you had enough groceries in the house to keep you goin' for a few days. man! good thing abbey has that cute little pink snowsuit...
i hope it clears up for you soon. we love you!
Crazy snow! We sure miss you guys! love you!
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