Dark already

OK I just wanted to let everyone know that there is something that I dislike about Spokane (other than the cops hiding by the high school to give me tickets, but that's another story). It gets dark so early!!! This picture was taken from my front porch at 4:30 in the afternoon! It looks and feels like it's at least 7 or 8. I am definitely not used to this, and I'm sure it will take some time for our bodies to adjust. Other than that we really are enjoying ourselves here.
Wow Bec! That is really early.. that would kind of drive me crazy! But im sure you ll get used to it and end up loving it! (weird question- so does the sun come up earlier too?) Miss you all lots! Give hugs and kisses to those girls!
I was gonna post a picture on our blog about the crappy early darkness too! I hate how dark it is and at an early time, but then in the summer it starts getting light at like 3:00a.m. I hated how light it got and now I hate how dark it gets. Will you send me some pictures of the team. I didn't have my camera with me that day and Taylor really wants me to post pictures of them on our blog. Just a couple of the boys alltogether would be great. Thanks
Hey Becca...this is Cami(morrill) I am friends with Katie and Heather (morrill) is my sister...Anyway Katie said you helped her with changing her background and that i should ask you b/c she doesn't really know what you did? If you have time my blog address is www.founys.blogspot.com and eamil is camimorrill@hotmail.com
Thanks so much and by the wya your family is darling.
Hi. I found your blog through Mauressas and I am a wondering how you made those cute baby legs. I am such a fan of the baby legs and have already spent so much money on them and was wondering if you could give me your secret. What do you make them out of and how?? Please let me know! Thank you!!
I miss you guys so much! Happy Thanksgiving! I am so excited to see you all so soon! I still can't get over how fast it gets dark there. Love and miss you guys so much! We love you! send our love to Levi and the girls!
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