
Kid Trouble

So here I sit in my basement on the verge of tears trying to figure out what to do (any advise is welcomed) while I listen to my sweet Abby cry. She hasn't been sleeping well for the last couple weeks, well actually she hasn't slept well on and off her whole life. She will get in bed and is good for a few minutes then gets out of bed or starts screaming and crying to the point that I can't even understand what she is saying or what she wants. It's not like we shut the door and turn all the lights off. We leave the door open and a hall light on, and her little sister is in the same room for heaven sakes. So our nightly routine is to go comfort her give her loves and tell her it is time for bed, then we head out for the second time. Again with out fail 5-10 minutes later the crying starts and she gets all worked up, gets out of bed and comes down stairs! This situation is not good for any one, poor Audrey ends up getting woken up like three times a night, (hopefully this won't start any bad habits for her, she has been such a good sleeper) which isn't fair to her. So now after waking her sister twice tonight we decided to let her sleep in the pack and play in the basement so that Aud can sleep. She has been crying for the last hour on and off and asking to get out, needs a drink and on and on and on. I am at the end of my rope, I have no more ideas...I feel like the worst mom! Has anyone else been through this???
Well I have had quite a few people tell me how grateful I will be for her determination when she gets older...but right now I am not so sure. She is such a beautiful girl and is pretty good most of the time with listening and being polite, so I'm just not sure what the problem is. She always apologises and lets me know the next day that she is going to try harder to stay in bed, but it ends up being the same story every night. In the beginning Levi and I thought it was a bit comical, but as it continues the humor is fleeting fast! I have read a bunch of great books on getting your kids to sleep well at night and I feel like I have tried all their ideas over and over. Some of them work for a while but nothing long term. So who knows what will come of this situation...but one thing I have learn from being a mom is that nothing lasts forever!! I have to remind my self of this OFTEN so that I can make it though all the rough stages. Hopefully this is one of those stages. Sorry for the vent session... Abby is asleep now and I feel better. Hope your night was better than mine :).


JEN said...

I have come to understand that part of being a mom is feeling like the "worst mom ever" A LOT! I, for one, think you are one of the best mom's I have seen! Honestly... when you came to visit us in Vegas I kept meaning to email you and tell you I think you are doing a GREAT job with your girls! I learned a lot watching you (I was so worried about how to handle two!)I am sure this is not what you were looking for when you posted this but I really have been meaning to tell you and thought this was the perfect chance:) Sorry about the sleep problems. I wish I had some advice but we are battling our own with Bridger (who comes in our bed every night at about 3 and WILL NOT go back!) Good luck!

The Carter Family said...

I wish that I could give you some advice but I am in the same boat as you right now. I cannot get my kids to sleep for anything. I am so worn out. I am hoping that it is from the move and that as they get use to living here they will sleep better. Carston has been sleeping OK but not great and the other two I feel like are a lost cause. Last night when Jaxon was freaking out Josh went to find where he ended up this time and found him in the bathroom with the light off peeing all over the wall and the garbage can and saying that the lego were hurting him. I don't know if it is all nightmares or what. Hopefully for both of us we can figure it out hu? Let me know if you find anything that works for you. By the way you are an amazing mom!!

The Wrights said...

Good luck Bec. I wish I could help. I sure love you. You are an amazing mother. Hang in there. Miss ya!

Terry said...

Granny Terry may have a solution! I will have my secret plan in the mail shortly! Watch for it! Abby this is going to be soooo MUCH FUN! Love you all !

J-ME said...

Wish I had some wonderful advise for you! I hate those sleepless nights where you feel so helpless, frustrated, angry, tired, etc... You are a wonderful mom!!

Our EyreLife said...

Hey Becca,
I realize that Wyatt is much younger than Abby, but since my younger brother went through some of the same issues, I thought I would tell you what my parents did to help him.

At first they thought that perhaps his issues stemmed from night terrors or fears but he didn't seem to express any of that to them, so what they would do (after talking to him about being afraid) was lay a blanket down next to their bed and leave the option open for him if he got scared or lonely during the night. Some nights he would end up on the floor next to my parents' bed, some nights he'd stay all night in his room. He eventually got to the point where he knew that my parents' bedside was a safe place -if- he needed it and felt safe enough just knowing it. And then he grew out of it. He's now a very well adjusted married man.

There's a wonderful site that I keep myself tuned in to called Ask Miss Angie (it's attached to my blog if you want to check it out). I looked up what she had to say about this type of issue and she suggested some things I thought may be some options for you to try. I can see how her waking Audrey up could be a total nightmare for all of you. I hope one of these ideas works!

P.S. Does Abby have a lovey of some sort to comfort her in bed? Maybe that would help?

Good luck!