
I'm a BIG GIRL NOW! (almost)

Here is our little (trying to be big) girl. She found Abby's panties and wanted to be just like her big sister. Here is her cute attempt!

Be sure to pause the music so you can hear her cute voice!


Tyler and Travy said...

Wow, how many pair of panties does she need? I love the heavy breathing, Keira does that all the time too, so cute!

Michelle and Caleb said...

Oh my gosh is that so cute! She is getting so big. I love little kids, they can always make you laugh.

Terry said...

So dang cute! I miss them like crazy! Thanks for putting that on so we can miss her even more! She is adorable...and quite smart I might add! Love you!

Terry said...

Just thought you would like to know that the picture on top.. is the spittin image of you at that age Becca!

Jenny Miller said...

I laughed out loud!! Don't you love this age~

Katie said...

LOL!! that is pretty talented to dress herself that way! Oh she is way too cute!

Horsley Family said...

Becca, She is so dang cute!!! I miss you so much. Kiss those beautiful babies for me.
Love you,Amy