
Cell Phone Fun!!

Audrey with her new favorite toy... mom's cell phone! Well actually any ones cell phone! Well we knew when we had girls that it would eventually come to this, but we just didn't realize it would be this soon. So here's to having girls!!! We sure do love them and wouldn't trade them for anything!


Terry said...

She is a true Marchbanks girl!

Jenny Miller said...

Mason is doing the same thing...though less femininely! He also holds the remote to the tv and pushes buttons and makes car noises and gun noises...yes...lovely! Such a fun age! She is a doll!

ryan. heather. macie. millie. said...

LOVE IT! macie does the same thing! It's hilarious!

The Wrights said...

I love these pictures too fun! She is so big.. we can't wait to see you and the girls.

J-ME said...

So cute! Love the little layouts. Are you a digital scrapbooker? So cute!

Tyler and Travy said...

we are so excited that you guys are coming back!! We miss hanging out with you guys. See you soon!