Fun night, great friends, yummy food and football!
What more could you want?

Aud, Babs and Tate
enjoying the 3D commercials
The Crew enjoying the game
back row R to L : Colby, Mandy, Bryce, Cj, Paige, Heather, Tyson and Brody
Front row R to L: Becca (me), Levi, Shay, Misty, Gage and Megan
Abby and her class making and eating their pizzas

Me with my Beautiful flowers...Levi also gave me our wedding video (VHS) on DVD...I know, I don't think we got married that long ago? We also got to go out the next night to a new (for us) really yummy restaurant called CHAPS! Thanks for making the weekend so special babe!

Making sugar cookies with the girls:)

Our Valentine dinner we made for daddy:)
Abby and Audrey helped decorate... it was a fun day!

Daddy and his girls

My Valentine girls in their cute dresses(thanks mom)
and balloons from daddy!
Also a huge thanks to both grannies and pas for the darling
Valentine packages!! The girls look so cute in their outfits and loved
all the fun toys, etc.
Random Stuff from the rest of the month:

Abby got a hold of my camera and this is what we got...this one is a
she made Audrey hold our engagement pic...funny girl:)

Audrey squished in the bottom of the book shelf

Playing dress ups

Sponge curler time!

Abby thought I needed them in my hair too!

r to l: Ryan, James, Levi, Colby and Tyler
Levi when on a Scout camp out last weekend and completely FROZE along with
all the other leaders and scouts. The night was miserable, but the hike the next day
was amazing! They snowshoed about three miles and the scenery was beautiful as you can
see from the picture.