This weekend we decided to get in as many Christmas Festivities as possible before we head to Utah. So the girls and I met some of our friends at The Davenport Hotel for Christmas Tree Elegance. This actually turned out to be pretty cool...especially if we win. You get to walk around and see all these trees that have been decorated and donated by businesses along with cash prizes, trips, diamond rings, leather chairs, family portraits, etc. Then you can buy raffle tickets for a dollar for the trees you like the best...and then they have a drawing on the 13th and if they draw your name you get the tree and all the prizes that go along with the tree. So wish my friends and I luck...we could really use a win!:)
Then on Sunday night we went to the Nativities Around the World that is hosted by our Spokane Stake. It is a really fun tradition to do every year and is also a great missionary opportunity! There are over 800 Nativities from around the world that are displayed beautifully, they also have a place to dress up and take nativity photos (which we couldn't leave without doing!) There is a kids area with stories, coloring, and kids nativities to play with. We had such a fun night with our friends as you can see from the picture!
Ryan says Levi Wow you look amazing Im a little Bit jealous I was not able to be in a nativity for 2008. But Im already in talks for 2009, so cross ya fingers for me. By the way you look great :) Miss ya 4 already!
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