
Preschool Party

Here is Abby Lou at her Halloween party with her preschool class.
She has made some great friends...and I have too! Her Teacher Miss Char
is so great! She relates so well to each of the kids and you can really tell she
loves to teach!

Here they are lined up for the parade

Miranda (Abby's best buddie) and Abby

Abby didn't want to walk by her self...and Audrey didn't
want her to walk alone either!

Singing some fun Halloween songs

After the costume parade they had some fun singing and
decorating cookies. Again Audrey has to be in the middle of things:)


The Wrights said...

What a fun teacher.. that is so cute how Audrey is right there.. and they held eachothers hand in the prade... priceless. The last pic of Abby..is playing a trick. It looks like she only has half of a arm...cute girls Bec.. sure love and miss you guys!