Well what a great idea Jenn gave us. Up until Friday September 7th Abby would take a sippy cup of milk (aka baba) to bed and nap time. We finally felt like it was time to grow up and be done with the sippy, besides the fact that she was waking up 3 times a night for more milk. So we headed out to Build A Bear Friday night ( what a fun place). We tried to prep her and let her know that she could get whatever she wanted as long as she paid for it with her sippy cups. All went well she was really excited and couldn't wait to pay for it. She tried to give the lady the sippys right when we walked in. She ended up picking a cute bunny who she named BUNNYBOO. She picked out a Sleeping Beauty outfit and some Jammies for her bunny. She had so much fun, I don't think she even realized what she was doing!! Well she was all smiles... until bed time, then came the tears and the asking for the baba!! So now she is still getting up 2 times a night but it is to go potty, which we are happy for! (no more pull ups!!) So things are definitely getting better, we will just give it more time and hopefully she will learn to sleep all night!! My thanks go out to Jenn for the great idea!!!
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