ready to pop!
OK so I finally have a computer (my desk top is is finally back from getting fixed) for more than 5 mins. It was a terrible time to have it break! So now I am going to try and catch the blogging world up on our life and our new little bundle of joy!
So the story starts with me and the fam heading to my doctors appointment on Friday Oct. 23rd at 3:20pm. The plan was to go to the apt and then head out and get a few things that we still needed for the little bambino before his big arrival. Well the plan was vetoed by my Doc...I was dilated to a 6 and she immediately sent me to the hospital. This was not good...I had nothing ready to go. No hospital bag for me or the baby, no babysitter and no time to organize things myself. So we drove the 5seconds it took to get to the hospital (which is across the street) and I said goodbye to the two cutest girlies, who were both crying their eyes out and not sure what was happening. I think that was the hardest part. Then Levi took over and became Mr. MOM! He got our kiddos home and had our our friends Paige and Bryce (you guys are the BEST!) come over to stay with the girls. He packed my bag with everything I could possibly need and then some and headed back to the Hospital to be with me. By this time it was around 5:30 and I had been checked in and had my IV put in. When Levi arrived they came in and gave me my epidural (HEAVEN), then broke my water and we were on our way!! By 8:00 I was only to a 7 1/2 so my doctor decided to give me a little petosin...and that did the trick. I was to a 10 by 8:30, but then my epidural started to wear off on the right side. My nurse call the anaesthesiologist in to give me more meds. About 15 mins later I was again in heaven and feeling nothing:) don't you love modern medicine!! Well they called in the NICU nurses as a precaution, because the baby was 3 1/2 weeks early...all in all there were about 8 nurses and doctors in the room. It was a party!! or could have been with that many people! I pushed for about 5 mins...about 4 pushes and our little Brigham arrived! He was so calm and happy to be out I'm sure!! He didn't cry at all just a few grunts here and there. He was breathing well so I got to hold him on my chest for a half hour before they took him to weigh him and clean him up. I never got to do that with my girls...it was such a bonding moment for me...I loved every minute of it! Our little guy weighed in at 7 lbs (my biggest baby this far by almost a pound) and 20 inches and had a little bit of dark hair.
Levi got to feed him his first bottle (sugar water) to keep his sugar levels up so he wouldn't have to go to the NICU. Brig did great and ate like a champ. He never ended up in the NICU...which was a huge blessing for us!
I stayed two nights and one day, which was too long to be away from my girlies. They couldn't even visit because of new rules at the Hospital due to H1N1. So the girls met their little bro for the first time through the window of the hospital. I have to say it was a precious moment...so glad we got pics of it!
So that is it, our Baby Brigham Story. We are so happy that he is here and we are loving every minute of cuddling him. The girls especially love holding him and giving him kisses and hugs! I am so grateful that everything went well with the delivery and that he was so strong and healthy for being so early! We love our little Brig:)
Brand new:)

first bottle
getting cleaned up
Brig with mom and dad