Mothers Day!

Mothers Day was really fun! Except that I was sick. I think that I was car sick from the drive home, and it lasted like three days! But I am doing well now! Levi was so great he took care of the girls all day and let me sleep! It was heaven! He got me a cute necklace with pictures of my cute girls and a shopping spree, which I took advantage of yesterday! It was so fun to get out with my sisters and shop! I am in love with being a mom and can't tell you how grateful I am for my beautiful girls. They are my little rays of sunshine everyday!! I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father in trusted them to me!
It was also fun to spend time with our moms as well. I can't tell you how grateful I am for my two moms and all my amazing sisters!! They are all such wonderful examples to me and my girls! I love them all so much! Happy Mothers Day (a little late)!
Posted by Becca at 9:27 AM 1 comments
The past few weeks
So a lot has happened the past couple of weeks... We had some long days without Levi home (because of finals, but I am sure his days seemed much longer!) The girls and I survived... barely! We have some great friends who's husbands are also in Law School, so we really stuck together and had a bunch of activities that helped us to stay sane. I am so grateful for how hard Levi has worked and sacrificed for our family!! We are so proud of him for finishing his first year of Law School!!

Then as soon as finals finished we headed to Utah the next day! My parents flew up to help us get everything ready to move for the summer and help us drive home! We had a great visit with them and enjoyed showing them our new house, and eating at some yummy restaurants! We had a BBQ to celebrate finishing the first year! It was fun to get to see everyone one last time before heading out to Utah!! We were sad to leave all our friends for the summer, but happy to come to Utah to see our families!

We have been here in Utah now for 1 week and have been loving every minute of it. We arrived Saturday night late after a really LONG drive home! Audrey seemed to hate being in the car for the first 5 hours. Then we decided that she might be hot and so we took off her jacket and for the rest of the ride she was good! Abby on the other hand was a complete angel from start to finish! She sat and and watched her videos and played with her princess sticker book that Grannie Terry brought her. She was wonderful, which definitely made the trip easier!! My parents were so great they drove Levi's car back so that we could drive together. I know that there is no way we would have made it down here with out them!! Thanks so much mom and dad!!!

Posted by Becca at 3:42 PM 1 comments
Austen got his call!!
So we have all been anxiously waiting for Austen ( Levi's little bro) to get his mission call! Well he got it and called us so that we could be a part of it when he opened it! We all gave our guesses on where we thought it would be, and I think that Fran ( Levi's mom) was the closest. She guesses somewhere Asian? He is going to CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH. We were all completely shocked! He was hoping for a foreign call and I must say that is the most foreign I have ever heard of. The mission has only been open for 10 years! It is between Thailand and Vietnam. We are so proud and very excited for him to serve the Lord!!
Congrats Austen!! We love you!
Posted by Becca at 3:34 PM 3 comments
5K or 1 mile run for the Cox Family!
There is going to be a fun run honoring Ryan on Memorial Day, which is Mon. May 26th. All of the donations and proceeds will go to benefit Katie and the girls. You can either run the 5K or the 1 mile. The 5K is $15 and the 1 mile is $10. If your family wants to run it together the cost is $50 for a family of 4 under the ages of 18. The run is in American Fork it starts at the Rec. center at 8:00am. It is easiest to do early registration at 26.2 running store (100N. 100E. AF) You can also do same day registration but it will cost $5 more. Same day registration ends at 7:30am. We want to get as many people to run as possible so please spread the word! Also if you want to or know anyone who would like to donate money, prizes or sponsor the event let us know. It would be greatly appreciated. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!!
Posted by Becca at 9:35 PM 4 comments
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