I am so excited because you can get 50 free Holiday Cards http://www.shutterfly.com/cards-stationery/holiday-cards for just blogging about it! Isn't that a great deal! Some of my favorites are the new Chic Stationary Cards! SO DANG CUTE!! They come in 5x7 or in the cutest square 5x5 sizes! My favorite are the square. They also have the traditional folded cards that are great too! My favorites are the Christmas story cards. They give you a space to write in any text you want as well as a place for extra pictures inside. I might just use this one this year because our family is getting so big...I think I might need the extra space to brag a bit about my cute kiddos:)
Shutterfly has some many darling gifts for the holidays too! One of my favorites it the Calendars http://www.shutterfly.com/calendars. They are darling...and I know from experience that grandparents love them!!! Another favorite is their Canvas Wall Art http://www.shutterfly.com/home-decor/canvas-wall-arts. Such a cute idea for family that is far way! That way they can always see the cute faces of people they love:)
Well we are sure excited for Christmas this year and can't wait to get our Christmas Cards in the mail! I sure hope you that you will check out Shutterfly and get some great Christmas shopping done!! BTW they are having a great sale today!!